Three ways to purchase the cheapest flight tickets on Skyscanner based on statistics


Skyscanner is an essential tool for international travel.

As I am sure you can all agree, the most expensive part of traveling abroad is usually purchasing a ticket.

Today, the company Skyscanner officially revealed its statistics. I will go over how to purchase a ticket through Skyscanner at the lowest price.

1. On which day of the week is the airplane ticket the cheapest?


The question that most people want to know is: When is the best time to buy a plane ticket?

According to Skyscanner, the official answer is Tuesday because airlines typically issue a ticket on Monday night. When it comes to buying a plane ticket, the general consensus is that Tuesday morning is the best time to do it. Statistics indicate that, on average, you can save 15 to 25 percent. If you buy it on Tuesday, ㅛyou can save tens or hundreds of dollars

2. What’s the cheapest day of the week to fly?


Which days of the week are the cheapest for flights?

Skyscanner claims it’s Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Perhaps this is because everyone has a job. Right?

3. Do I have to delete cookies every time I check my flight ticket?



There is a theory that, usually, whenever you look up a flight ticket,

The website is purposefully raising air ticket prices if you do not delete the cookies.

However, Skyscanner officially says that they do not increase prices through cookies.

As an airline ticket price comparison site, Skyscanner is not a flight ticket sales site. So they do not have the authority to increase ticket prices.


If you want to read the original post by Skyscanner,

Go to the link below.

Original Article