A magnitude of 4.7 near New York earthquake shakes the northeast and earthquake behavior tips

Breaking news-New York earthquake

According to the US Geological Survey, an earthquake rattled the densely populated New York City metropolitan area Friday morning, with residents experiencing rumbling throughout the Northeast.

The agency reported a 4.7-magnitude earthquake near Lebanon, New Jersey, which is about 45 miles west of New York City and 50 miles north of Philadelphia. According to the New York Fire Department, no immediate damage reports have been received.

Midtown Manhattan’s regular noise of traffic grew louder as vehicles blared their horns on momentarily shuddering streets. Some Brooklyn residents heard a thunderous sound and felt their building shake. In an apartment building in Manhattan’s East Village, a resident from earthquake-prone California soothed worried neighbors.

Travelers currently in the United States are advised to be cautious during this unprecedented New York earthquake situation.


Earthquake evacuation and action tips

Protect yourself by getting under a sturdy table.

The period of significant shaking caused by an earthquake is at most in 1 or 2 minutes.
Get under a sturdy table and hold on to the table legs to protect yourself.
If there is no place to hide, such as under a table, protect your head with a cushion.
And when the earthquake calms down a little, evacuate outside.

Turn off the gas and electric lights and open the door to secure an exit.

If gas and electricity are not turned off, there is a high possibility that a large number of casualties will occur due to fire during a building collapse during an earthquake.
After the shaking stops, do not panic and turn off the gas and electric lights in preparation for a fire.
Open doors or windows to secure an exit so that you can evacuate at any time. If the door is not opened in advance, the house may tilt during an earthquake, and the door may not open.
When the shaking stops, go outside through the exit.

Always wear shoes when leaving the house.

When an earthquake occurs, your feet may be injured by pieces of glass or fallen objects, so wear shoes that protect your feet.

Evacuate outside using the stairs.

Just like in the case of a fire, if there is an earthquake, the elevator may break down, so do not take it and use the stairs to evacuate out of the building.
When going outside, be careful of falling glass, signs, roof tiles, etc., and evacuate calmly while protecting your head with a bag.


When you’re riding an elevator

When an earthquake occurs, you should not take the elevator.
If you are taking an elevator, press the buttons for all floors to quickly get off at the first floor that opens, then take the stairs to evacuate.
If you are trapped in an elevator, call for rescue using the intercom or mobile phone.

Move away from buildings or fences.

If you come out of the building, the fence or windows may be damaged, and you may be injured by falling pieces, so evacuate as far away from the building and the fence as possible while protecting your head with a bag or hand.

Evacuate to a large space with no falling objects.

Be careful of falling objects and quickly evacuate to a large space, such as a playground or park.
When moving, avoid using a vehicle and evacuate on foot.

Act on the correct information.

At the evacuation site, follow the instructions and maintain order.
Immediately after an earthquake, unfounded rumors and fake news may be spread, so act according to information provided by radio or public announcements.