A to z for people going to Australia


Introduction Australia’s major cities include Canberra, the capital; Sydney, the capital of the most populous state of New South Wales; Melbourne, the capital of Victoria and the second largest city; and Melbourne, the capital and third largest city of Queensland. There is a large city, Brisbane. In addition, the capital of each state is considered … Read more

Economic, social and cultural overview for investment travelers in the Philippines


Introduction The Philippines is an island country made up of more than 7,500 islands located in the northeast of Southeast Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. Since population settlement began about 30,000 years ago, indigenous Malays have been introduced around AD, forming self-sustaining villages called ‘barangays’. After the 14th century, Islam … Read more

Economic Analysis for Vietnam Business Travelers


Introduction Vietnam is located in the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula in continental Southeast Asia and borders Cambodia, Laos, and China. The capital and political center is Hanoi, and the economic center is Ho Chi Minh, which has the largest population in Vietnam. Vietnam has a long geographical feature running from north to south, … Read more

Comprehensive 5 step history of Uzbekistan for tourists


  Introduction Uzbekistan, located in central Asia, is the only country that shares borders with all Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. To the south, it borders Afghanistan. As one of only two dual-landlocked countries in the world, along with Liechtenstein in Europe, it must transit through at least two countries to enter … Read more